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Brick Wall anchors

Nylon wall plugs in size of M12 are made from polyamide (nylon), a high-quality engineering plastic that is durable, tough, and can support high weights. This is different from regular plastic plugs made from recycled materials, which deteriorate easily and can support less weight. These plugs are suitable for use with all types of construction materials, especially concrete walls and concrete blocks. They are weather-resistant at temperatures ranging from -40 to +80 degrees Celsius without changing shape or deteriorating.

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Product Features:

Wall plugs made from nylon plastic are strong and durable.

They can support more weight than regular plastic plugs.

They are resistant to weather conditions at temperatures ranging from -40 to 80 degrees Celsius without changing in condition

Product Specification:

  • Material: Nylon
  • Size: M12
  • Weather resistance: -40 to 80 degrees Celsius
  • Dimensions: M12 x 60mm

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